Re: Re: Video Reviews

Forums ChitChat Video Reviews Re: Re: Video Reviews

Travis Hightower
    Frosty-I'm the same way. i bought 3 videos from itunes that were horrible, but i bought thembecause of the reviews the users were leaving on itunes. There was this one, whichwas the reason i brought up the stoke/diss thing, where everyone gave it 5 stars thatwas a snowboarding flick….with no snowboarding! I'm serious, there were snowboardsin the background, but it was just a bunch of kids talking about their adventures, butno footage to back it up. and it was $9.99. I'll get back to you about the name of thatone.The stoke/diss thing was like, If you bought the recommended video and you thoughtthat the review was complete b/s, instead of starting a flame post you can diss the userthat recommended it and post your own review, instead of outright saying “so and sodoesn't know what they're talking about, this movie blows and they're an id