Reply To: Stomp pads

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    Stomp pads are a strange thing in snowboarding. They have been around since the very first ones ever invented. Stomp pads offer stability and traction for the unstrapped foot and most snowboarders use them, but it seems like that’s where the similarities end. About stomp pads:

    • There’s a variety of shapes, sizes and materials available
    • Placement of the stomp-pad is very important
    • Riders have their personal preferences as to style of pad
    • Ultimately, anything is better than nothing

    Personally, I prefer the kind that are like nubs or spikes. They are typically smaller, but stick up farther than the “flat foam pad” style stomp pads. I feel like I get more grip and stability with those kinds — especially when the snow and slop pile up. The number of nubs and positioning of them depends on many diff