Re: Re: Want to start hitting rails

Forums Advice Q&A Want to start hitting rails Re: Re: Want to start hitting rails

Travis Hightower
    Confidence Confidence Confidence! Thats what it boils down to. But I might have a few tips for you. I'm not the biggest fan of rails and boxes, but I've done a few, so anyone with any better tips please weigh in.1st off, work up to it. Make a few passes right next to it to set your speed. The 1st time you hit a box, most peoples biggest mistake is going really slow and trying to feel it out.This is a bad idea. Most boxes at terrain parks are very slippery, so when you go really slow and cannot use your edge, you slip off. Then again, if you hit it at full speed withoutknowing what is going to happen, you'll probably fall too since its your first time. The trick to the 1st one is, find a speed that you won't be scared of, but is fast enough thatyou won't stall on the box. If you can find a short box, even better!2nd tip is, hit it square. Make sure you