Re: Re: Want to start hitting rails

Forums Advice Q&A Want to start hitting rails Re: Re: Want to start hitting rails

Travis Hightower
    I forgot about protection, thanks for raising awareness Frosty! Absolutely wear a helmet. Most of the time when you fall on a rail, you hit your head. Hard enough to if you're not wearing a helmet, its going to hurt bad, but if you are, it shouldn't really hurt at all.Like Frosty said, we're not trying to scare you. This is just precaution for worst case. It just needs to be said. If you respect the slopes and the terrain park, it will respect you.Now to the fun bits. Practice. Anywhere that has snow, is grounds for practicing anything. A lot of us are spoiled with ample snowfall to where we say “lift ticket, pfftttttt” and just ride the trees all day long. I see you're from North Carolina. I actually learned how to snowboard in Maggie Valley at Cataloochee. So I'm aware of how sometimes finding snow can be a problem. But thankfully from t