Re: Re: Walking on/off the lifts

Forums ChitChat Walking on/off the lifts Re: Re: Walking on/off the lifts

    Sorry to hear about your knee bro, but at least you're still kickin and are able to snowboard.  Life without snowboarding is no life at all!I think most resorts would definitely have a problem.  If you drop your snowboard while the lift is over a run (a real possibility), it could hit some poor skier/snowboarder and kill them or injure them permanently (I'm sure you love snowboarding, but not enough to kill for!).  Plus resorts nowadays are all about avoiding liability and not getting sued, so I wouldn't hold out much hope on that.Fortunately, there's always the gondola to get up to the mountain.  But if you must have an alternative, try the x-edge.  Its something I found over the internet to help keep your board stable on the lift.  Its supposed to reduce knee strain.  Check it out:  I haven't tried it out myself