Re: Re: Video Reviews

Forums ChitChat Video Reviews Re: Re: Video Reviews

    Nice idea Travz//I have been thinking of somehow working the FR reviews into the Forum and then in turn feeding that section into the Reviews section of the site.  This Snowboarding Video Reviews thing is a great idea/addition to the FR reviews.  Sometimes I want to buy a vid online that is a good price but have no idea if it is any good or not.I can toy with the new feeds/data-management stuff about it in the meantime.

    And lets throw in an added bonus, if you get a video that a member recommendedand you liked it, stoke them! If you don't, diss them.

    What do you mean by this?

    So how about rules, 1 video per post, and no double posting. You should have towait until someone else posts a video recommendation to post another recommendation.

    sounds cool

    I watched “Last Winter” ironically last winter,