Re: Re: Thoughts?

Forums Advice Q&A Thoughts? Re: Re: Thoughts?

Travis Hightower

    +/- 10 is a good start. Really it's what ever is comfortable. If you are truly very comfortable at +/- 15 then there are some other things that can be tweeked.Just out of curiosity, how did you come up with that mounting number? Is that your natural stance on a snowboard?From the attached pictures, the angle doesn't look as extreme as I thought it would. So that may not be the problem. But when I first started learning, I hadsome wide angles like that and it caused a lot of problems, so I thought it was an avenue worth exploring.As far as the flopping from regular and goofy, you should be stronger on one than the other. That would be the side to try to ride to correct the problems.I wouldn't throw away the ability to ride the other right away though. Practice both. Just dial in your natural position to be completely fluid.