Re: Re: snowboarding newbie

Forums Advice Q&A snowboarding newbie Re: Re: snowboarding newbie


    I too am a snowboarding newbie 😀  I just wanted to mention that I found it almost impossible to “pop” up from the sitting position as well.  I tried the rolling over which worked great, but I found it a little hard to shimmy my way to the edge.  What worked for me was bringing my butt really close to the board and just leaning forward onto my knees then getting up from my knees…I read someone earlier mentioning getting up from their knees in the beginning too… sooo much easier!!! I feel like I must not have worked very hard my first time as I really wasn't in that much pain the day after  🙁  but man did my shins ever burn during!!!!Wishing you all a great season!! Im loving all the snow  😀