Re: Re: snowboarding newbie

Forums Advice Q&A snowboarding newbie Re: Re: snowboarding newbie


    Hey softee77,Welcome to the forums and the world of snowboarding.  Glad to hear you got a lesson.  That is really the way to go.  This might sound weird, but standing up is one of the hardest parts of snowboarding.  Once you get better, you have to do it a lot less, and also as you get more experienced it gets a little easier.  You are right, having boots that are one size too big make things harder.  Once you get your own gear you can dial in things like stance width and binding highback angle which make things easier all around for you.  Here is another nook of encouragement — it is easier to stand up on steeper hills like blue and black runs than greens.  Stick with it and I am sure you will be rewarded.