Re: Re: Paoli Peaks open house jib jam!

Forums ChitChat Paoli Peaks open house jib jam! Re: Re: Paoli Peaks open house jib jam!

Travis Hightower

    Bummer but you got to hand it to them for trying so early in the season.  It will NEVER happen if you NEVER AT LEAST TRY!

    Tell me about it! Last year it was really really warm and they did it. I want to say it was mid 70's,but they got away with it because it was only 25 the night before. Its never ALOT of snow, justenough for a run up and a landing. From what I've heard they still had the show, just didntdo the jam, or atleast i cant find any video of it. So maybe next year. But they'll have an openingseason rail jam and big air contest a week after they open so thats something to look forwardto!