Re: Re: On my toes?

Forums Advice Q&A On my toes? Re: Re: On my toes?

    Hi and welcome to the forums.  I have some advice for you.  If you are going to your toe edge by “standing on your toes” then I think you are thinking about it the wrong way.  The difference between toeside vs heelside is where you focus your weight and balance.  For example, to take a good solid toe-side stance, you want to balance your weight over your toe edge.  Here are some tips for how to take a perfect toeside stance:1) Take a natural stance on your board.  Slightly bend your knees and keep your back straight.  Stay in alignment to your stance.  Do not twist your body.  Only turn your head to look in the direction of travel.2) Flex your ankles, lowering your knees and push your hips slowly forward.3) The board tipping should occur naturally.  Do not force it.  Do not do the “Michael Jackson”.  Your