Re: Re: Newbie, sorta… question about turning.

Forums Advice Q&A Newbie, sorta… question about turning. Re: Re: Newbie, sorta… question about turning.

Travis Hightower
    so you're having trouble on heelside turns. usually 1 or the other gives alot of people problems.heelsides are also my problem. what i do when im going onto my heelside edge is keep my weight centered, and flex my front toe up, which twists the center of the board to put the frontheelside edge into effect. then you have to just lift up your back toe and wham, you're on heelside!this all has to be as fluid of a motion as it can be, or you'll catch an edge, or start flat spinning,which is what you're doing now.the trick is to keep your weight centered in these. too far forward with your weight and you'll bewhipped over, but thats pretty far hanging out forward. leaning back gives you the opposite effectand causes you to get into the stop position on heelside, and spin you'll have to find your balance point for heelsides since they'r