Re: Re: New gear (boots, bindings and board) for intermediate snowboarder!

Forums Purchasing Boards and Bindings New gear (boots, bindings and board) for intermediate snowboarder! Re: Re: New gear (boots, bindings and board) for intermediate snowboarder!

Travis Hightower
    This is just my opinion, but my stats match yours except weight. i go between 148 and 155 depending on whative eaten all week (i go to the gym and run, so my weight constantly changes).I also have a Forum Recon, but its a 146, and I have a Forum Manual 156, basically the sameboard just 2 different graphics and sizes, and honestly I wouldnt go over a 156.Sometimes the shear length of the 156 for my height/weight makes it uncontrollable, dependingon conditions, and going too far in the opposite direction will make hitting runs slow and boring.My favorite all time board is a 154, and I know its 2cm…but it does make all the differenceto me in the world. There hasn't been a condition that I cannot ride that one.As far as price, when summer rolls around, most boards drop to 50-60% off, so if you can standto wait, you can get a 5 star board for a 2 star price. Duri