Re: Re: magne traction boards

Forums Purchasing Boards and Bindings Magne traction boards Re: Re: magne traction boards

Travis Hightower
    my girlfriend has the envi and she loves it.if you look up reviews, you can check out the ones for theskate banana, it has the magna traction as well and has tonesof reviews. the only thing is that alot of people that ride lib techput them into the “god of snowboards” section, when its really not.i ride a regular board which im really comfortable on, and ive riddenmy girls roxy a few times and the only thing i can say is its moreresponsive on easy turns than a regular snowboard. it makes thelow speed easy turns almost like a skateboard instead of a slowsliding turn of a snowboard.if you get the envi, the magna traction pretty  much has no cons.its different, but not different enough where it'd take a day ormore to get used to it. maybe a few light runs. as far as consfor the overall board, its a well built one. but as with any snowboard,theres going to be SO