Re: Re: Lessons???

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Travis Hightower
    See if your home resort offers an “intermediate” lesson. They should be able to clean up your riding style pretty easily by just riding with you. I wouldnt waste the money on a private lesson though, if your resort does not offer an intermediate slot. You can learn what they'll teach you by hooking up with other riders on the mountain, and its a great way to meet people.Now that you've moved up north, things should click alot faster for you. There wont be huge gaps in your learning curve which will speed things up nicely. It wont be so bad if you dont want to waste the money on a lesson, its one of those “practice makes perfect” things, unless you have something seriously flawed in your fundamentals. If you think you do, getting a learn to turn lift ticket might be a good option for you too, most instructors are pretty happy to help.Also, sin