Re: Re: How to hot wax your board?

Forums Tuning and Care How to hot wax your board? Re: Re: How to hot wax your board?

Travis Hightower
    Frostys artical on waxing is really good. Kudos!Twsnow does a really really long in depth artical if you need more information at,26719,246590,00.htmlBut really thats a full winded version of the post above.I personally like the crayon method as well. I dont think you have to buff as much as you dowith a full on drip method. But! Alot of people recomend that you drip wax atleast oncea season to make sure  your board is COMPLETELY covered.Also, i dont know if this actually helps or not, but when i buff it out i try to make it look as ifthere isnt any wax on the board at all. And when you look at your brand new base, and howit looks after a drip wax (before buffing) you'll know what I mean.