Re: Re: Glasses and Goggles

Forums Clothing, Soft Goods, and Accessories Glasses and Goggles Re: Re: Glasses and Goggles

Travis Hightower

    i dont know if they work on script glasses or not, but back in the 60s and 70's they used to make these cloths that eliminate fogging. i havent seen one in years though (my buddies came in his 70's impala from the dealer) but god they work. you just run it over your windshield on the inside and it will not fog up for weeks. but the odd thing is, it doesnt have oil in it or anything. it looks and feels like a paper towel. i wonder if anyone makes anything like this for glasses. when i used to wear mine they'd fog over like a bastard all the time. i guess im just a naturally hot person ;)(sorry for the cheesy joke, im not hot btw)