Re: Re: Getting fit for SNOWBOARDING!

Forums Advice Q&A Getting fit for SNOWBOARDING! Re: Re: Getting fit for SNOWBOARDING!

    Great question.  Being fit and ready for snowboarding is very important.  It will help you have a lot more fun — and that's what it's all about.  I stress full-body fitness.  Lower body for strength mainly and upper body to prevent injury and help in getting up!Snowboarding is so different than anything that it really is impossible to condition all the parts of the body that will be getting worked, but you may want to try some of these exercises.1) Jumping rope – Legs, ankles, shoulders, and cardio.2) Squats – Legs and back.  Not too much weight!3) Stretching – Stretch your quads, ankles, abs, torso (twisting), and hamstrings. Even wrists.  Gentle is fine – don't over-do it!4) Simulated snowboarding – There is nothing like simulating the actual moves of snowboarding and the best ways to do th