Re: Re: De-tuning a new board (?)

Forums Tuning and Care De-tuning a new board (?) Re: Re: De-tuning a new board (?)


    It is a preference thing.  From what I find, most people like to detune their ride before taking it on to the snow the first time.  It provides a more “broken in” and natural feel.  If you fail to detune your ride it may feel jerky or grabby when changing edges.I detune my new ride using a stone around the tip and tail down to about 3 inches down from where the edge touches the snow (effective edge) on each side.  I move the stone on the edge at moderate pressure and at all different angles.It is usually not a big deal as one or two runs on an icy run will detune the board naturally anyways.  If it is a soft snow day or if you want the more favorable feel for performance, then detune the board with the stone.