Re: Re: dangers to board being too big?

Forums Purchasing Boards and Bindings dangers to board being too big? Re: Re: dangers to board being too big?

Travis Hightower
    151 is too long. a good rule of thumb if you cant find a board calculator is the board should be betweenyour chin and your nose, until you're good enough to know what really suits you. (i ride a board thatsshorter than my chin, but thats another story)since you're 12, yes you will grow into it. but you're a good bit off right now. then again there is notelling if you will hit a growth spurt over the summer and fall into the right height for the board.its a tricky situation, because you could get a board for your height now, grow, and have it be tooshort next season.i dont know what to tell you because of these issues. you have experience riding, so you can probablycontrol it. its not like its going to be COMPLETELY unresponsive. but it is going to be harder thanyou are used to until you grow into it. how tall are the the members of your family? do you know abou