Re: Re: Carving Problems

Forums Advice Q&A Carving Problems Re: Re: Carving Problems

    Hey dude, terrific questions!

    Is it better control the amount of edging with my back foot or front foot?

    As with skidded and other turns on a snowboard, you almost always want to initiate the carve with the front foot, control the bulk of the carve with both feet, and finish using the back foot.  Once you get the hang of it, it really helps!

    Other times I do get the carve, but I catch an edge while evening out between the toe and heelside turns and l fall.  Do you have any advice for controlling that?

    The above will help you with this.  This especially applies when on steeper runs like blues and blacks.  When completing the carve (or skidded carve or skidded turn for that matter) the back foot will have more weight and angle sending you into a “pure carve” for a moment.  This is necessary.  From this you have a