Re: Re: Banshee Bungee ?

Forums Other Reviews Banshee Bungee ? Re: Re: Banshee Bungee ?


    Ok, we got the 10 ft Banshee Bungee as a present to each other for Christmas.  I'm wondering if anyone else has tried this product.  We tried it today, and I am kind of frustrated!  The problems we had were-  1) I could not pull it back far enough for Trav to get any speed. I'm a girl so I'm not naturally as strong as most guys, so that could be part of it.    2) He could pull it back plenty far for me, but it was almost impossible to hand off to me with that amount of tension. It literally felt like it was going to yank my arms off when I did take off on it!  We might switch it for the 20 foot model,  has anyone had any experience with this product?

    Looks cool.  Maybe it will break in over time?