Re: Re: Anyone getting a new ride for 09?

Forums Purchasing Boards and Bindings Anyone getting a new ride for 09? Re: Re: Anyone getting a new ride for 09?

Travis Hightower

    rowan your boards on ebay for $279. its a 152 🙂 brand new and thats the 2nd cheapest price ive seen it.frosty, k2 had a board years ago that fit your specs as far as i can remember, but i cantfor the life of me remember the model name. it was an alpine board and was redand white and had an eye loop on the tail to attach your leash to. but i remember ithad a huge tip and tail and was a directional twin. it may have just been called thealpine, i dunno. but it was back in like 95-96 i think. they dont make em like they used to. :(i want an 08 lib tech skate banana for 09. i saw the 09's and im not to keen on theweird colors, but it doesnt seem as if they've changed anything so an 08 would be fine.