Re: Re: Lets start an 09 injury list! Battle scars for frosty rider!

Forums ChitChat Lets start an 09 injury list! Battle scars for frosty rider! Re: Re: Lets start an 09 injury list! Battle scars for frosty rider!

Travis Hightower
    ^- dude that sucks so hard! getting hit by cars suck. what was wrong with the driver? drinking or something? or was it an honest mistake? sucks you lost the girl due to a bad homecoming though. goodluck on your recovery!update on my season – i got shanked hardcore by a gate skiier that bombed a blue freestyle park run (wtf seriously why are you going to see how fast you can ride down a run that has rails, bonks, kickers, and wall rides). i got hit so hard it broke my already injured ankle and did something to my left knee cap (i cant extend my left leg all the way right now and this has been since saturday morning), and he completely destroyed a friend of mine who might have a broken nose and a mild concussion. The guy was ejected from the mountain (for his own safety, me and my friend were going to “repay the favor” but the ski patrol stopped us) and after