Re: Re: Snowboarding Sponsorships

Forums Announcements Snowboarding Sponsorships Re: Re: Snowboarding Sponsorships

Travis Hightower
    t-shirts and stickers are probably the best way to get the word out.thats what i notice 1st when i meet people on the slopes. stickers onthe board and t-shirts their could do something like those topsheet covers i was posting abouta month ago for anyone that wins a comp and is sporting a sticker or shirtor gear that gets your name out as a reward for props or something. startingsmall is a good thing, especially if you threw in an option of being able to takeyour favorite board and put a specially designed frosty rider “personalized” boardyou know? i think those topsheet stickers are full vinyl covers and start at like $60so its not a killer investment for a podium placement photo op of your can also do mini rail jams at your local resort or get some of us to do them at ourhome resorts for almost nothing.  Paoli lets you put on your own con