Forums › Advice Q&A › how to?? 1st timer?? › Re: Newbie Snowboarder with Crossover Wakeboarding Skills
Well, unfortunately even the most skilled amonst us are going to look retarded their first time out. There is no getting around that really. My advice to you is to get into a lesson. I know the folks at Keystone, CO and their instructors are real pros. It is your choice of a group lesson or a private lesson. Take the level 1 class and look like a retard on the bunny run where it is safest. If you have the boarding crossover skills you claim, you will probably be good to go for the lifts in the afternoon with your buds.
Be sure to check out the run “Schoolmarm” at Keystone mountain. Take the gondola from River Run to the top of the mountain. Exit and head right. It is a green circle “easier”, has excellent pitch and flows from
Well, unfortunately even the most skilled amonst us are going to look retarded their first time out. There is no getting around that really. My advice to you is to get into a lesson. I know the folks at Keystone, CO and their instructors are real pros. It is your choice of a group lesson or a private lesson. Take the level 1 class and look like a retard on the bunny run where it is safest. If you have the boarding crossover skills you claim, you will probably be good to go for the lifts in the afternoon with your buds.
Be sure to check out the run “Schoolmarm” at Keystone mountain. Take the gondola from River Run to the top of the mountain. Exit and head right. It is a green circle “easier”, has excellent pitch and flows from top to bottom. Well over a mile long and will be sweet for ya.
Have a great time and dont forget the sunblock and goggles (really is necessary any time of year when at 10,000 feet.) You know where to come for more information about everything snowboarding!
Frosty Out …