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Why are season passes so expensive?

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      At my mountain they are $1,029for adults.  I mean seriously?

      Travis Hightower

        Stowe =$1996.00no summer perks. hopefully you get some. I think its silly. for 2k per person, it should be 365. waterpark, alpine slide, golf, etc. But at Stowe, you don't even get a discount to these things. Oh and the town itself is 20% more expensive just because of the name of it.

          Wow, Stowe is on a different planet!  But at least they are popular and book up solid every season.  Here at Mt Bachelor, they have SO MANY days where virtually no one is at the mountain (especially non-powder days) and the management is probably scratching their heads wondering why no one is coming.  Hey guys, it's not because you didn't advertise enough; people know you are there.  It's not because you don't have that new, high-tech lift; you have enough uphill transport.  It's not even because of lack of snow' we get PLENTY!It's because PEOPLE CAN'T AFFORD IT!By people I mean the 100,000+ locals in the area.  Here is a tip to the management of all ski mountains…No one is going to not come back because they got too good a deal.  And if people REALLY WANT TO spens too mu
          Travis Hightower
            Frosty I will agree with you 1,000%. And just for record stakes, Stowe does not book up every season… its always bankrupt! Stowe should be the lesson learned. The resort just changed hands, and might even change hands again. Who knows. Sooner or later the corporations that buy the mountain will figure enough is enough and where will the state be? Not many people fly to Vermont to ride Killington, which is sad, but its the truth. Most people link Vermont with Stowe.But back to the point, you are 1,000% right. I don't mind the $13 burger. I really dont. I'm hungry and forgot to bring snacks. Oh and the $4 water? Thats fine too, I'm just too lazy to walk to the water fountain. But $69 lift ticket? Thats silly, especially when you don't groom every day, have a day care, have enough seating for your crowd, have enough terrain for your crowd, etc. Oh and l
              You caught me assuming again Travis!  That's good.Stowe DOES give that “image” of “exclusivity” and that is just the problem.  People who run the Marketing Depts for these mountain “resorts” are college grads who have the wrong idea altogether.  They are not even close to being on teh right track or being in touch with their clientele.I bet (again assuming, but from experience) these people aren't even skiers and almost surely are not boarders.  I know winter mountain activities, i.e. skiing, has always been costly, but it is not Disney World and it is not a Mercedez Benz.  These are not “once in a lifetime” opportunities and nor should they be viewed as such.  They view their “product” as a high end item.  They look for ways to “maximize” the “perception of value” in their &#
              Travis Hightower
                I wasn't trying to catch you assuming Frosty, but thanks for the props anyways. 🙂 The point I was trying to get to, is that when you ride a resort like that, and there are no lift lines, and not many locals, and the place is switching hands, it doesn't take an economist to see that prices are too high.There are 2 sides of that mountain (and i'll get to jay peak sooner or later on this subject). The business side, and the promotional side. The promotional side has it dialed in right. Inviting guests with experience (think pro boarders) and celebrities, doing clinics with pros, helping out in the community with lift tickets for the less fortunate, etc. These are the good sides of the mountain. The bad sides, I believe the upper mountain staff has never been past the base lodge in the winter time. That is just the vibe I get from there. They are the ones with the
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