I made my own stomp pad from lexan and grip tape. Used to ride studs, but they had a habit of falling off. I was happy with them, but DEFINATLY follow the package directions on applying them.
A stomp pad is a little pad with grip that you stick on your board. usually on the inside back foot. It's their so you can kick the snow off of your boot with, and also offers grip for your loose foot after getting off of the lift. I actually have mine on the outside of my rear binding because it seems easier for me to have the greater distance between my legs, and just squeeze them together to stay firm on it when I get off the lift, or slide a short distance.
I paid like $5 for my Dakine at an end of season sale. You can pretty much get them anywhere online. Try one of the sites that Frosty recommends, they are all quality and you should expect to pay no more than about $10 but since it is late in the season you can shop around for good deals.
new breakthrough for people that hate to ride stomps! (hides graphics, sometimes looks tacky, whatever dumb reason you have for not riding a stomp (i used to be one of these people too))tried an experiment with clear skateboard griptape and cut it into patterns. tried it on a trampoline, and its working great!(and its cheap, most skateboard shops have scraps and they'll give them to you, or only charge you a dollar or so, i got minefree)
thats what im wondering too. like if the glue would freeze or whatnot. but i remember how horrible it is to get grip tape off of a skateboard (even wet) so we'll find out!oh, and i didnt even think that k2 had a board last year completely covered in grip tape on the top sheet.