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Question about board width

Forums Purchasing Boards and Bindings Question about board width

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      First off let me say great site Frosty!  Now to let you know a little bit about me, i just started snowboarding in February and have been 3 times now and lets just say that I am addicted big time.  Unfortunately I live on the east coast so the season is just about over.  Anyway after going 2 times I decided to buy my own gear and my question is about the board I bought.  I got a Burton Custom 156 and I love it but my toes and heels are sticking over a bit.  I wear a size 11 Burton hail and have only been able to ride my board once.  I was wondering your thoughts on the matter.  I have been told I might get heel/toe drag but I am not sure.  Any help you could give me would be great and thanks for the awsome sight, I look forward to using it more in the future.


        Thanks for you comments.  I would say that since you are an East Cost rider, erring to the narrow side is not as bad as having a board that is too wide.  It may be fine for you.  How much does your boot hang over the edge?


          I would say that in the front it is not to bad, about 1 to 1.5 inches but in the back maybe 1.5 to 2.  It is really hard to tell.  I need to get my bindings centered  on the board.  I have taken it out once in the slush and didn't notice any problems but I am wondering as I progress if it will become a factor.  I will probably experiment with angles and stance over the summer and see what that does for me.  I am probably going to look for a wide board over the summer but I love how the custom feels.  Thanks,Michael


            I agree, Burton Custom boards do have a really nice feel to them.  I think you could get away with that board while you are still progressing.  You should find it easy to tilt on edge, which is nice especially on hard pack snow and ice.  It may interfere somewhat with flotation in soft stuff; also may cause toe/heel drag when tilted sharply on edge (sharp carve turns or edging on steep slopes).Also be advised, that at size 11 US boot size you are not exactly a Sasquatch.  You do not need a “wide board” but rather a “mid-wide board”.  I think a  251 – 257 width would suit you just fine for advanced riding.


              lol! maybe I should've read this board before I started a new thred. I'm glad to hear about another east coast rider starting out! I've been 3 times now. All of them have been to Sugar Mountain in Banner Elk, NC. I live in Atlanta so that was about a 300 mile haul for me. Are there certain kinds of specs that we need to consider when looking for boards since we ride mostly on manmade stuff that doesn't tend stay powder-like for long? I saw you guys talking about the custom boards, how do they feel differently than others?


                … I saw you guys talking about the custom boards, how do they feel differently than others?

                They are just referring to the Burton Custom.  The “Custom” is the name of the model board by Burton.  Not actually a custom-made board or anything.

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