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April 3, 2015 at 10:22 am #1920[html]
The outdoor gear industry has been busy developing wearable high-tech gear for spring skiers and snowboarders. Keep your eye out for magic jackets that heat in cold and cool in heat, hike-friendly ski boots, memory fit shells, power socks, backpacks with airbag safety features, glare-diminishing lenses and smart audio gear for your helmet.
Your outdoor life just got a whole lot easier.
Magic Jackets
The outer layer is of one of the most important pieces of ski gear because no matter the conditions, it’s your shield. Fortunately, jackets are getting smarter and allowing for temperature control, even in extreme conditions. For example, the H2 Flow by Helly Hansen is a new de
[html]The outdoor gear industry has been busy developing wearable high-tech gear for spring skiers and snowboarders. Keep your eye out for magic jackets that heat in cold and cool in heat, hike-friendly ski boots, memory fit shells, power socks, backpacks with airbag safety features, glare-diminishing lenses and smart audio gear for your helmet.
Your outdoor life just got a whole lot easier.
Magic Jackets
The outer layer is of one of the most important pieces of ski gear because no matter the conditions, it’s your shield. Fortunately, jackets are getting smarter and allowing for temperature control, even in extreme conditions. For example, the H2 Flow by Helly Hansen is a new design that comes with its own insulation and ventilation system. You won’t know it’s happening, but as the temperature changes, the jacket adjusts to your body’s needs, no matter if it’s 10 or 50 degrees.
Taking ergonomics into account, Craft has a third layer that transcends logic. Their focus is on body mapping, where scientists study the body’s sweat zones and blood flow. This helps jacket designers create pieces with optimal flow allowing skiers to perform at their best.
Fresh Baselayer
When the snow starts to melt, you shed layers. Jackson Hole clothing designer, Stio, has created a 3 oz. cap sleeve women’s tee that is the ideal first layer for your spring wardrobe. The drirelease with FreshGuard jersey fabric helps to keep you cool and dry, and also neutralizes odors to keep it fresh-smelling even if you wear it a few days in a row. The polyester/cotton blend offers sun protection and keeps its shape.
Hike-Mode Boots
Your boots are another spring ski essential. You want boots that rip and have hikeability at the same time. Skiing Magazine suggests a pair of the remodeled Tecnica Cochise 130 Pro. The intuitive redesign features a cuff-release mechanism, lower shell and a more defined heel pocket.
Glare Reducing Lenses
The glare from the sun reflected off the snow is harsh on your eyes, so sunglasses are a must-have when spring skiing or boarding. Any sunglasses will suffice, but If you have Oakleys, you can swap your lenses for a set designed with glare-reducing tint to maximize vision when shredding on the slopes.
Smart Gloves
Your ski gloves just got smarter with BearTek Gloves that allow you to control your phone, GoPro and music with touchpoints embedded in the glove’s fingers. These gloves sync with Bluetooth as any other device would. BearTek’s cutting edge technology keeps you connected and safe when in the wild.
Airbag Backpack
Be ready for anything and elevate your safety with an airbag backpack. With feather-light integrated airbag technology, the new line of avalanche backpacks made with Alpride technology from SCOTT Sports offer an avalanche rescue pocket, aluminum safety buckles, ski carry system and other features that increase your chance for survival if faced with a dangerous situation on the mountain. This pack is also airline friendly.
No doubt, having the most current gear is going to help you have the best ski experience possible. The advancements in wearable gear allow for greater safety and comfort. From battery-powered cutting edge designs to high tech waterproof and breathable materials, it’s all about making life as easy and fun for you as possible.
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