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Forums Introductions Hello Everyone!

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      Gosh, I am just NOW getting around to having an “Introductions” section.  HOW LAME!  Oh well, better late than never eh?  Well, I am Frosty and as you may have guessed this is my website.  Well, actually, this site belongs to all members.  It is an open community and is shaped by all the awesome feedback, comments, and well… vibes from all who participate here.  So I personally WELCOME you to this site, make yourself at home, and HAVE FUN!!!


        Hello everyone,I am a newbie here and newbie to snowboarding this year.  I skied when I was younger but just got into snowboarding.  The first time I went I was hooked.  It is nice to meet you all and someday maybe we will meet on the hill.  Ride safe. 


          Welcome to the forums 😀 If you have any questions about anything, talk to Frosty, he's the go to man. I'd say that I could help but I'm also a newb to snowboarding :p


            Just wanted to say hi, I am also a newbie, been a few times but I think I have started with a board that is completely wrong for me.  I have learned a lot from Frosty and this site.  Thank you so much for creating it.


              Thanks for joining us here at Tini85!  I look forward to your posts.

              Stinky Ninja

                Hey everybody! I'm Christopher, I just moved to Mammoth Lakes California going to college here and waiting for the 2012-2013 season!


                  Welcome Christopher!  What an awesome mountain to be at.  MAMMOTH!  What is your experience in snowboarding so far?

                  Stinky Ninja

                    I actually skied from age 6 to 13. When I was 14 i started snowboarding and I haven't gone back since Usually I just skied/snowboarded 7days a season since I never lived in mammoth and just visited. This will be my first real season  i'm STOKED! 😀


                      “When I was 14 i started snowboarding and I haven't gone back since” … wow where have I heard that before.  Hehe.  Same with me although I really do enjoy all sorts of snow sliding including alpine, telemark, and x-country skiing from time to time.  Mammoth = I am so jealous.  Keep up posted on how awesome it is there!

                      Stinky Ninja

                        Haha, thanks Frosty, I will!


                          Hello Everyone as well!  This is Rowan, sorry I have neglected this site a bit in the past few months, it has been very busy for me here in VT.  I absolutely can't wait for winter to come and to get back on my board!  Snowboarding is such a wonderful stress relieving physical activity for me, I so hope this coming winter is better than our last one and I can get a ton of days on my board.Later Everyone!


                            Sup!just joined,always looking for sled boarders to ride with in the golden area,Hit me up.

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