Goofy vs Regular

Forums Advice Q&A Goofy vs Regular

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      Hi, I'm new to the site and new to snowboarding.  Have been reading the other posts avidly in the hope that I'll pick up some gems before I go for my first lesson/attempt in February.My initial question is 'how do you know what setting is right for you on a board in terms of goofy vs regular'?  Is it easier with one particular foot in front?  TIA.Tango

        Ooh ooooh.  Me first! (Raises hand and waves vigorously)Good question Tango.  I know I may sound like a broken record, but, as with most things about snowboarding, it is personal preference.  Some folks will just know whether they are regular foot or goofy foot.  Those people will most likely have skateboarded, wakeboarded, or surfed before and just ride the snowboard the same way.  I suppose if you have ridden one of those kick scooters that were really trendy a few years back, it may have given you preference to putting one foot forward and one trailing.If you have no previous [sideways] sports skills that might cross over into snowboarding, that's OK, there is still hope in choosing a directional preference.  Find a situation where it is really slippery.  It may be an icy spot on a frozen walkway or just on the kitchen tile in your socks.  Now run forward a li

          Thanks Frosty.After several slides across the kitchen floor it's clear that I push off with my left and slide forward with my right in front. T.

          Travis Hightower
            Frosty has a great response! And definatly dont let them push you. They tried that on meand I found I was catching my weight with which ever side of my body became off balance1st. Not a good way to establish direction.Someone told me once that they were asked which foot they would kick a ball with. Thatseems to be a good way to figure things out as well.Of course you might be in the low percent rate that can automatically ride switch.If its really hard to figure out, rent a twin board and just ride both. It'll be set up oneway, but because the board is exactly the same on both sides it wont matter ifyou spin it around. One way should feel wrong, one way should feel right.My natural ride is goofy, but riding that way I find it hard to execture heelside turns well.When I ride regular I can turn very well but when it comes to hitting jumps or taking rails,its a bit awkward

              i got on a skateboard to figure it out. that way i didnt wait till the top of the mountain to figure out i was on the wrong foot

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