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Glades and moguls

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      I know the season is pretty much over but i was thinking about next season and wanted to ask this question while i am thinking about it-  next season i want to concentrate on learning how to better ride glades and trees as where i ride is known for having awesome glades riding.  I am going to try to spring for some lessons in this area but i have a question on this-  I've heard that to be good at riding in glades you have to first be good at riding moguls.  Is this true? ( I am hoping your response will be “why nooo, rowan, this is totally not true”  because i TOTALLY SUCK when i ride moguls!!)

        Awesome question.  I would like to begin by expressing that glade riding is one of my top 3 favorite terrain features to ride!  Glades rule!  Why? Because on a day when pow dumped over night and it is blue-bird out, freshies get tracked out by hounds FAST; but glades retain fresh snow until much later in the day, making for run after run of a virtually semi-private trail just for you!  There are other reasons as well.WHY GLADES RULE FOR SNOWBOARDING1) Fresh snow longer2) Shadows add definition in low viz3) Thrill of a tree run without annoying branches or dangerous dead-fall4) Snow fluffs in softer than open fields5) They just RULE … alright?Now to your question about glades and moguls.  I don't think you NEED to know how to ride moguls to be able to ride glade runs, but I do agree that mastering moguls will offer you skill sets that make all the things

          Thanks for the information, what you are saying makes a lot of sense and has eased my mind somewhat.  I agree that glades rule!  Even though I only started to feel confident enough to start venturing into glades towards the end of this season and am very novice at it I still had a ton of fun.  It was addictive, almost as addictive as snowboarding itself!I do have one more question that I didn't think of earlier, I noticed that when I was in glades I wished my board was a little shorter, like it might be easier to get around in tighter areas, I was wondering if generally you would want to have a little bit shorter board if you are spending a lot of time glade riding?

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