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getting out of a slide

Forums Advice Q&A getting out of a slide

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      hi I have started to ride black trails this year and am handling them pretty well, however I still occasionally lean too far back and fall on my butt which a couple of times has sent me on a fast slide down the hill on my butt.  When this happens I try to slow myself down by trying to dig the edge of my board in but this doesnt always work.  Is there a better way to get out of these?


        First of all, never lean back.  The only time I can think of when this may apply is when riding a short board or going to slow in deep powder, and even then I like to think of it more as “weighting the tail of the board” which is much different than “leaning back”.On steep trails, you are being pulled by gravity HARD.  You are right, if you try to stop or slow down too suddenly, you will fall.  If you find yourself in a slider or tumbler wipe-out, the best thing to do is to try to get your board back under you, back up and then slow down gently or steer to safety (or if applicable just keep ROCKIN!).  You do not want to try to use your board to try to stop.  It is much less efficient than trying to slow don't when actually on the board and besides, that is what most likely got you in this situation to begin with.


          thanks for the quick reply.  I wanted to clarify on the leaning bit, as I don't think I originally explained this very well.  What I should have said is that I am going to far back heelside, relative to the steepness of the slope which (i think) is what causes my board to go out from under me and starts the slip'n'slide…..


            1) Make sure you have enough “forward lean” set on your binding highbacks.  Try different settings until you get a balance between performance and comfort.2) Edging on the heelside moves your butt backwards (sounds funny but it is true) which tends to shift your weight backwards as well.  To counter this, tilt your upper body forward to compensate.

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