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F.R. at the US Open of Snowboarding!

Forums Announcements F.R. at the US Open of Snowboarding!

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  • #468
    Travis Hightower

      One of our members (me actually) is a media outlet for the US Openof Snowboarding, happening at Stratton Mountain Vermont.This is an open competition of the “whos who” in snowboarding aroundthe world. Forget the Olympics…. this is it!Join up and post in the Events forum for day by day (starting Wednesday,pre-qualifiers) updates and photographs, from your buddies here atFrosty Rider!And if you're in the area, have a great time! This is going to be onebig blast….Travis HightowerMedia Corresponder at the US Open


        This is an open competition of the “whos who” in snowboarding aroundthe  world. Forget the Olympics…. this is it!

        True Dat!You da MAN TRAV!  Can't wait to see what you got for us!

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