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do you lock your board?

Forums ChitChat do you lock your board?

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      I'm curious, do you guys lock up your boards when your not using them at the resort? I never do.  Nobody does where I ride, people leave their boards and stuff unattended everywhere.  This is kinda cool because its always been safe like that there but sometimes I do feel like i'm taking a chance by not locking up my board.  So i'm just wondering  what other peoples opinions are on this subject…


        Me too, never needed to lock a board before, and I've never seen anyone with one at any Tahoe resorts.  I've sometimes left my board in the snow for hours, and I'm always surprised that its still there!  Living in CA you learn not to trust anyone.  I don't even like leaving anything in my car!  SO its a nice feeling to not have to worry about your board all the time.If you have a Burton Vapor or some really expensive board I could imagine getting one, but my cheapo board should be good. 

        Travis Hightower

          lock up that envi! i lock up my grudge. wayyy too much money at stake. you know? but i use the cheap resort locks outside. they're like 0.50 or 0.75 but you cant get the boards out, even if you remove the bindings.  and ive seen bindings hanging from a lock before, so i know people have taken boards that way, even locked. just be careful,


            Great question.  Basically, if it is devastating to you to lose it, then lock it.  Even at places where no-one appears to be locking their stuff, it still can happen.  My wife got here board stolen out in front of Keystone lodge years ago and it was really sad 🙁


              ive seen bindings hanging from a lock before, so i know people have taken boards that way, even locked.

              ^^Thats reassuring lolI alwayslock up my snowboard.  I figure why not because its like your setup is so expensive and a lock is like 10 bucks so why not.  And it only takes like 20 seconds to lock it.  Its crazy though cuz like even though you see people just leavin their stuff unlocked and everything, you never know whos like a criminal lol and if peoples stuff is actually getting stolen.But even with a lock its kinda just a deterent basically because it probably wouldnt take much effort to break those skinny little locks or unscrew the binding if you really wanted.


                Some resorts have a place where you can check your board in and out.  Staff watches over it.  Only costs a few bucks I think.


                  yeah ive done that.  The lock valet thing.But the thing is that by the time you use the valet for like 3 days, you might as well have just bought a lock lol.  Locks save you money after a while

                  Jeremy barton

                    Do they sell board locks at most shopsI got a pretty nice setup I just got and don't want to loose


                      Some shops sell them.  Most are a simple cable lock with combination.  Some are built in to your leash.  None are exactly the pinnacle of security, but then again most thieves are so out of convenience.


                        Wow I didnt know they made leash locks.  Thats pretty nifty lol.  jkBut yea onea the larger shops I go to has like a whole rack of them.  You shouldnt have much trouble finding a lock


                          A sad update to the very post that I started-my son got his new Rome Pusher stolen today. Another guy got his board stolen as well.  Lesson learned the hard way.  We're getting board locks tomorrow…the resort offered to replace his board at dealer cost, which was nice of them.  Lock your boards everybody!


                            Wow, that's unfortunate about your son's board!  When you go to the mountain, it is a bit of an escape.  You are there to just have fun, so you really don't think about things such as security so much.  I guess thieves know that and try to take advantage of that kind of situation.  For that reason, I think it is best to either lock the board, use board/ski check (if available), or what I do is have someone be a lookout guard.  If going in the lodge for an extended period of time, I set my board by the window where I am going to be sitting.  Most thieves are NOT going to target a board that has eyeballs on it.  But if it is not your style to play Homeland Security with your gear, a board lock is a good option.


                              And now a happy ending!  This is not the norm for stolen boards, we were very very lucky….my son was riding today and spotted his stolen board being ridden, after getting security involved the theifs admitted stealing the board, along with 3 others.  Not very smart of them to ride the boards at the same resort they stole them from, but lucky for us.  I am still out the 450$ I spent to replace his board and bindings but hope to recover that from the parents, we'll see!


                                WOW!  Well, I guess good things come to good people.  I am very happy to see you got the board back and happy ending!  I had a similar thing happen with a cellphone I had that got stolen.  The Deschutes County Sheriff got involved and did some awesome detective work and I got my phone back after a month or so.  (WOW that like never happens!)  Of course I had already bought a new one — so now my wife and I have the exact same phone  8)

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