Re: Re: why use protective gear?

Forums Advice Q&A why use protective gear? Re: Re: why use protective gear?


    I'm a designer at a protective gear company. I want to get some input from the riders so I can design better products for us all. I've been out doing tons of interviews with shops and riders, but I want to start a community conversation conversation to see how the people feel about protective equipment.I've noticed that snowboarders often buy protective gear as they get better. The helmets and pads provide tons of confidence. Has anyone experienced this? Any stories to tell? Maybe they'll inspire others to try some protective gear out too.

    Thanks for this important thread.  I wear a helmet a lot.  Not only for protection, but for comfort as well.  I have to say that if the helmet does not offer proper ventilation, waterproofing, and ear coverage options, I will not buy it.  If it is not comfortable I will not buy it.  The last