Re: Re: Why are season passes so expensive?

Forums ChitChat Why are season passes so expensive? Re: Re: Why are season passes so expensive?

Travis Hightower
    Frosty I will agree with you 1,000%. And just for record stakes, Stowe does not book up every season… its always bankrupt! Stowe should be the lesson learned. The resort just changed hands, and might even change hands again. Who knows. Sooner or later the corporations that buy the mountain will figure enough is enough and where will the state be? Not many people fly to Vermont to ride Killington, which is sad, but its the truth. Most people link Vermont with Stowe.But back to the point, you are 1,000% right. I don't mind the $13 burger. I really dont. I'm hungry and forgot to bring snacks. Oh and the $4 water? Thats fine too, I'm just too lazy to walk to the water fountain. But $69 lift ticket? Thats silly, especially when you don't groom every day, have a day care, have enough seating for your crowd, have enough terrain for your crowd, etc. Oh and l