Re: Re: Want to start hitting rails

Forums Advice Q&A Want to start hitting rails Re: Re: Want to start hitting rails


    Glad you like the site Serenadium64.  Awesome advice Travz.  Also I recommend shin-guards for protection.  I couple seasons back I was sliding a 50 foot long rail 50/50 and slipped off toeside.  SMASH!  Not only did the weight of my body meet my shins into the rail, bit also the friction burned through my pants, socks, and into the skin and left me half dead.  I think if I had shin-guards on that day it would have helped SO much!  This is not to scare you.  Like Travz said, your GONNA fall, that's why it feels so good when you stick it and ride away clean.  Not easy .. very challenging yet truly rewarding.