Re: Re: Switching to snowboard

Forums Advice Q&A Switching to snowboard Re: Re: Switching to snowboard

    Alright, I finally got to hit the mountain again. The top half of the mountain was powder and the lower half was groomed. I was loving the powder, I could link my turns heelside and toeside. Every once in awhile I would submarine the board but for the most part it was great. I was having difficulty on the groomed portions and really struggled with my turns. All I could really do to turn was to slide the board a little sideways and kinda drift where I wanted to go and toe side I kept over rotating the board. (I know practice will fix that)My brother left his 155cm board in my truck so I “borrowed” it to see how a shorter board acted on the groomed stuff. It was a lot easier to control but still had issues turing on the hard stuff. We have about 1 or 2 more days of decent snow left for the season so I'm going to see what I can improve on these next few days.Aga