Re: Re: snowboarding newbie

Forums Advice Q&A snowboarding newbie Re: Re: snowboarding newbie

Travis Hightower
    Welcome softee!Like frosty said, getting up is one of the hardest parts to learn, but everyone has their ownway of getting back on their board. The way i do it, is if im on my back, i roll over to my stomach,and use my knees to stand up. just like it was natural. You can get onto your knees sitting straightup and plan your direction without being on the board. Then when you're ready, push up, andturn down the mountain. Its the easiest way to get up from what I've seen. Once you get better,and start riding faster, you'll figure out how to use your momentum to get right back up in motionwhen you fall.As far as the bindings go, i prefer traditional bindings. Though they're harder to get in and out ofthan the step ins that you get as a rental, but to me the offer more support. The resorts use step ins as convenience to make it simpler for people just starting