Re: Re: resort fees

Forums Advice Q&A resort fees Re: Re: resort fees

Travis Hightower
    ^- oh man, paoli's food tastes like feet and perfect north's food tastes like cold feet.So bring your own food just in case! Like sandwiches and stuff. They'll stay nice, cold,and fresh in the car while you ride, and they're not $5 for a pbj.Maybe this will help. Aside from equipment, this is my packing list:1. Sandwiches2. Water Bottles, or a refillable lexan bottle that you can carry.3.Beer (optional)4.Energy bars – you'll burn up so much energy within the first 4 hours its ridiculous.Best part, you dont even have to buy ice! just wrap things up good and snag somesnow to throw in the cooler. The sandwiches, snacks, and water bottle will saveyou around $20 easily.Also if you want to save even more money, there's probably some friend you knowthat would love to ride to, so pick em up and make them chip in on gas!There are lots of ways to  m