Re: Re: Newbie, sorta… question about turning.

Forums Advice Q&A Newbie, sorta… question about turning. Re: Re: Newbie, sorta… question about turning.


    position for toeside – pee like a boyposition for heelside – pee like a girl

    LOL, that is awesome.  Great advise, yeah there is more too it, things like rhythm, timing, and coordination, but basic stances are fundamental.  They are the foundation of successful riding and cannot be practiced too much.Weight shifts during transition from heel/toe and toe/heel are subtle but important.  For most applications shift weight up and over the front foot slightly, then settle slowly to center.  Front toe in, back toe in…Unweight board, twist board slightly.Front heel in… back heel in…Front toe in, back toe in…Unweight board, twist board slightly.Front heel in… back heel in…Like that.  You will develop a rhythm to get flow.  Once you flow it is all there for you.  You are then free to move about the mountain