Re: Re: How to do a board slide

Forums Advice Q&A How to do a board slide Re: Re: How to do a board slide


    Damn, I would have, but I didn't bring a Camera with me. I am starting to get the board slide slowly, I just have to work on landing switch.

    Remember landing switch is just the same as landing regular. What that tells me is that you have not spent enough time RIDING switch before trying to land switch The only difference landing switch should be that you are looking over your shoulder instead of straight down at your feet, but then you shouldn't have your eyes on your feet to begin with. You should spot your landing and then where you are going next (down the hill).Remember also to land on your edge and not flat, and carve out of the landing. This will give you some grace if you land short or if you go long. Knees bent, butt back, back straight and push through… it will come naturally to you (as does riding a bicycle).Good luck to you a