Re: Re: How many size 11 boots?

Forums Purchasing Boards and Bindings How many size 11 boots? Re: Re: How many size 11 boots?

Travis Hightower
    I have to agree on mid-wide as well. Size 11 boots are kind of in the “nice zone” ofbeing able to ride all 3, depending on your stance and riding style.Its kind of a nasty little formula when you factor stance in. By the books, I'd leanon mid-wide at the narrowest. That way you can ride narrow, or wide in your stanceand not have a big amount of toe/heel drag. Then again if you know you ride a widestance, you might be able to get away with riding a regular (over all board length willalso effect this). Best way to test this theory is, pick the board length that you want.If you've been riding long enough to link turns and enjoy riding, you probably have agood idea of your ideal board length, no matter what a size calculator tells you. Rentone from the rental shop and ride your natural stance. What really feels comfortable.If you feel your toes or heels drag