Re: Re: how are you supposed to get off the chair lift

Forums Advice Q&A how are you supposed to get off the chair lift Re: Re: how are you supposed to get off the chair lift

    FrostyRider has a lot of good points.A couple other things to keep in mind…1. You WILL fall. Do not feel embarassed about this. Everyone starts out at the same place and we have all been there. Lift operators are used to this and know what to do when there is a situation (something more than just falling).2. Be prepared to dismount the lift. Front foot forward in your binding and back foot ready to push on a snowboard, knees bent and ready to push with poles with skis.3. The landing will be FLAT. There will be no reason to be scared of running out of control, in fact quite the opposite is true so be ready to push when you get off.4. Keep your head up and look for a target where you will want to stop. It should only be about 10 feet ahead of where you get off. Better to fall there than right at the ski chair itself.5. Most importantly don't be afraid. There is very