Re: Re: Grinding rails

Forums Advice Q&A Grinding rails Re: Re: Grinding rails

    If you are coming from a skateboarding environment remember the rules are reversed for rail slides.In skateboarding, you have a very quick (depending on slope) deceleration in speed. When snowboarding it is like hitting a piece of ice… you are going to feel as if you are actually going faster than you are.Start out with small rails close to the ground. You ARE going to wipe out A LOT. Get the feel of it. Keep your body and weight centered on the rail and shoulders square to the pipe. Coming off the rail you will want to move your butt down and tuck for stability. Keep your arms out to start and then when you get your balance you can bring them in.When you get good enough you can go rail to fakie (what a RUSH!) by moving your head behind you as if you are looking at your back and allowing your board to swing around with you. There is no jumping required as in skateboardi