Re: Re: Goofy vs Regular

Forums Advice Q&A Goofy vs Regular Re: Re: Goofy vs Regular

    Ooh ooooh.  Me first! (Raises hand and waves vigorously)Good question Tango.  I know I may sound like a broken record, but, as with most things about snowboarding, it is personal preference.  Some folks will just know whether they are regular foot or goofy foot.  Those people will most likely have skateboarded, wakeboarded, or surfed before and just ride the snowboard the same way.  I suppose if you have ridden one of those kick scooters that were really trendy a few years back, it may have given you preference to putting one foot forward and one trailing.If you have no previous [sideways] sports skills that might cross over into snowboarding, that's OK, there is still hope in choosing a directional preference.  Find a situation where it is really slippery.  It may be an icy spot on a frozen walkway or just on the kitchen tile in your socks.  Now run forward a li