Re: Re: Banshee Bungee ?

Forums Other Reviews Banshee Bungee ? Re: Re: Banshee Bungee ?

Travis Hightower

    Just as an add on to the review from yesterday, the 20ft bungee does indeed stretch easier than the 10 foot, and the release isn't as violent. Also a note, it is going to take 2 people to pull it to any kind of tension for a decent launch on flat ground. I recommend getting the quick release. If you can peek in the bag, check the handle. After some internet research it appears that you really have no idea which handle (there are 2 different ones) or how  many you'll get. I see some people get 2 handles with the 20ft package, some don't. Some also get the wakeboard looking handle, and some get the fat strap handle.