Re: Re: Anyone getting a new ride for 09?

Forums Purchasing Boards and Bindings Anyone getting a new ride for 09? Re: Re: Anyone getting a new ride for 09?

Travis Hightower

    just got a season pass to my local terrain park for $100. weekends only starting at friday morning 9am to sunday at midnight, no time limits other than when the slopes close.and…i flat out traded my Forum 146 Manual for……l_cf7d663b3fe380ae63ffd232782b21bd.jpg….a Forum 156 Manual!  The rebound on such a short board for my height was alittle annoying, being a flex2, this should balance it out better. not to mention i traded a ridden board for a brand new one becausethe 156 was too big for him by quite a bit and it was a christmas present and you cant find a 146 to saveyour life. Im so excited, bring winter on!